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So, you want to be a member of IEEE?


Ever wondered HOW, WHERE and WHY should you become a member of IEEE?

This keynote will tell all of that and even more!


October 11th, 2019,
6:00 PM
Universidade da Beira Interior,
Room 212 (Polo Principal)

Registration is mandatory

Visit the VTools event here.


Professor Iven Mareels

Director of IBM Research (Australia)

Keynote: “So you want to be a member of IEEE?”


The IEEE is the largest professional organization relevant to the advancement of technology in support of humankind. This byline of the IEEE goes well beyond its original focus on electrical and electronic engineering. Indeed, unlike what its name may suggest, the IEEE embraces all professionals, educated in many disciplines, not only engineering, as long as their activities involve electrical engineering technology and how that technology affects humankind.
The question “Why be a member of the IEEE?” is not about what the IEEE has to offer you. Rather the real question is “What are you willing to put into the IEEE?”.
If all you are interested is in paying membership dues in return for a membership card and the associated benefits, there are perhaps better ways to spend money. Rather, to be(come) a member, you should view your IEEE membership as an avenue to make a difference. Here the reach of the IEEE may appear daunting, but this reach also provides you with incredible ways to amplify personal effort and to make a difference.
In this talk, I draw from my own career to explore how to make a difference through the IEEE, how this can color and enhance your career, while also reviewing some of the activities of the IEEE, including its publications, with a particular focus on Region 8 (Europe).